A Long Chat With ChatGPT on Diseases and Vaccines

ChatGPT is a great resource and highly useful. However, it’s incredibly biased and its answers are very often more of an editorial then a factual answer. Further, it will refuse to answer questions that it is more than capable of doing… if the answer is politically inconvenient. And more, it lies. Black lies. It will… Continue reading A Long Chat With ChatGPT on Diseases and Vaccines

Top 6 Tips for the Young Living USB Orb Diffuser

The Young Living USB Orb Diffuser for essential oils is a small, compact, ideal form factor for small or confined areas, such as your workstation or desk, bathroom, etc. It’s also dirt cheap. I stocked up on a few of them both for myself and a few for gifts. While I do have a few… Continue reading Top 6 Tips for the Young Living USB Orb Diffuser


Because healthcare and your safety are THE #1 priority for RRRSPPs, Ryan Rhino will require everyone (especially fat bastards) to show Junk Food Passports before any food purchase.  Also, since all food will be illegal in order to save the planet (and agriculture – see point #2 here), you’ll only be able to eat vitamins… Continue reading JUNK FOOD PASSPORTS RRRSPPs (HEALTHCARE Part 2)


binary comment

THE #1 priority RRRSPP is for SAFETY! There are too many naive people that want individual freedom and liberty to do things like go out in public, participate in society, and just generally do things that NORMAL people do. Well… the RRRSPP for that can be easily summarized… You either lose your freedoms, or you… Continue reading FREEDOM VS. SAFETY RRRSPPs


Healthcare is THE #1 priority in the RRRSPPs. When elected, Ryan Rhino will fix the healthcare crisis 1 critical piece at a time. The first step is to reduce much of the burden on healthcare by improving the overall health of Canadians.  One of the most burdensome health issues in Canada is obesity. Just too… Continue reading HEALTHCARE RRRSPPs Part 1


Covid-19, vaccines, and vaccine passports are THE #1 RRRSP priority, and currently the sissy Liberals under Justine Castro are proposing mandatory vaccinations for people and vaccine passports in order to participate in society.  This doesn’t go far enough.  Firstly, it’s illegal because we currently have fundamental human rights enshrined in the Canadian Charter of Rights… Continue reading REAL SOLUTIONS FOR MANDATORY VACCINES & VACCINE PASSPORTS RRRSPPs

Censor This, You Dirty Canucktards!

The corrupt Government of Canada under the leadership of an incompetent fool, Justin Trudeau, has one of its criminal lapdogs, Steven Guibeault, spearheading the charge to censor Canadians for saying mean things about their corruption, criminality, ineptitude, etc. From ZeroHedge, via Bombthrower, as reported by Blacklocks. The author there, Mark E. Jeftovic, suggests that people… Continue reading Censor This, You Dirty Canucktards!

Getting Back into Canada without Covid Bullshit

I really don’t know for sure if this would work, but… let me throw this out there. Instead of flying back into Canada, do what the illegal immigrants do: cross at Roxham Road. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roxham_Road They let illegal immigrants through there all the time. Why not Canadians? After all, now it’s just an “irregular port of… Continue reading Getting Back into Canada without Covid Bullshit

Ebola Security in Liberian Ports

The National Port Authority of Liberia is fighting hard against the ebola outbreak by requiring all people admitted to Liberian ports to wear long sleeves and long pants. Really. Public Service Announcement Published on Sep 29, 2014 Thursday, September 25, 2014 The Management of the National Port Authority (NPA) is pleased to remind all Port… Continue reading Ebola Security in Liberian Ports

Pharma Marketing vs. Research Spending

Here’s a quick little tidbit: GSK’s “selling, general and administration” costs were over 2x what they spent on research. PDF of their annual report is here: http://www.gsk.com/media/325156/annual-report-2013.pdf Pages 63 and 66. Here’s a relevant clip from page 63. So, there you have it. Marketing is twice as important as research.

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