Just when you thought that Trudeau and his Satanic clowns couldn’t come up with anything stupider… BOOM! There it is… new heights of stupidity. Bill
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Category: Free Speech
Fuck Weapons Bans
Trudeau is a fool. Banning weapons is retarded. Consequently, I’ve decided to begin publishing “how to” posts on DIY weapons that are: Legal to own
To the Fucking Retards that Screech at Me
First: Second: That is all. Oh… almost forgot…
Because fuck you, Craig Faketoshi Scammermoto Wright. You’re a cunt.
Free Speech to the Limit
I’m going to start pushing free speech to the limit here. I’m going to try making some extreme arguments that brush up against the limits.
Corporations receive protection
Corporations receive protection from the government and should abide by the same laws as government. Corporations should abide by free speech laws.
Twitter Hypocrisy
In the midst of Twitter’s purge of people they don’t agree with… oh dear Lord… we get this… You can’t make this up. “Violate basic
“Private Companies” & Censorship
I’m horribly disappointed with how so many people who should know better keep squealing about how “thEy’rE a pRiVATe comPANY SO THey caN dO wHatEVER