If you are writing in PADGen, you need to stop, unless you are an extremely talented writer, in which case you’d probably know better anyways.
Year: 2011
MIME Type vs. Actual Type
A while back I posted Internet Explorer Download Problem: “Unable to open this Internet Site” about how Internet Explorer doesn’t behave properly if the MIME
What I Want in Computing Devices
I know what I want in computing devices, and it’s not available. Anywhere. Nobody makes it. But everybody wants it. Not just me. But talking
Robosoft and PAD (Part 1): The PAD Spec
Perhaps we had better start from the beginning… Hopefully that helped to wake some people up from Zombie-land~! Speaking of which, I still have some
Getting Feedback from Experts
The new site is near ready, so it was time to seek advice from some friends that are experts. I asked Nick Bradbury to help
Using Robosoft from Ground Zero
I’m about to launch a new site. It’s almost ready and I’m just basically waiting for some feedback from a few trusted friends that are
Excercising Restraint to do that 20%
A friend of mine, Nick Longo, has an 80/20 rule. Get 80% done and release, then get that 20% done later. It’s hard to follow.
Internet Explorer Download Problem: “Unable to open this Internet Site”
Internet Explorer 7/8 throws an error when you pop a download through a meta refresh or iframe. The error message looks like this (I’ve blurred
Devil Driver Pictures at Soundwave
For a band I’d never heard of before, Devil Driver was pretty impressive. They exuded energy, rocked the stage hard and had a wicked presence.
Dimmu Borgir Pictures at Soundwave
Dimmu Borgir is one of those bands that I’d never heard before, until Soundwave. They ripped and put on a really good show. More than