I HATE Bill C-63

Just when you thought that Trudeau and his Satanic clowns couldn’t come up with anything stupider… BOOM! There it is… new heights of stupidity. Bill C-63. Life in prison for crimes that you didn’t commit. The first, and hopefully last, reading is here: https://www.parl.ca/DocumentViewer/en/44-1/bill/C-63/first-reading This is just insane: Advocating genocide 318 (1) Every person who advocates or… Continue reading I HATE Bill C-63

Fuck Weapons Bans

Trudeau is a fool. Banning weapons is retarded. Consequently, I’ve decided to begin publishing “how to” posts on DIY weapons that are: Legal to own Legal to carry Illegal to use as a weapon against someone except perhaps in self-defense Further, I plan to post information on seriously fucking insidious weapons. Like, really fucking nasty… Continue reading Fuck Weapons Bans

Free Speech to the Limit

I’m going to start pushing free speech to the limit here. I’m going to try making some extreme arguments that brush up against the limits. I won’t be posting anything criminal, e.g. child porn. That’s not free speech. But I most certainly will push the limits as much as possible. Why? Because never has free… Continue reading Free Speech to the Limit

Corporations receive protection

Corporations receive protection from the government and should abide by the same laws as government. Corporations should abide by free speech laws.

“Private Companies” & Censorship

I’m horribly disappointed with how so many people who should know better keep squealing about how “thEy’rE a pRiVATe comPANY SO THey caN dO wHatEVER THEy wAnt”. No. Just, no. tl;dr – Corporations should be limited in the same way that the United States of America Constitution and Bill of Rights limits the government and… Continue reading “Private Companies” & Censorship

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