I’d never seen the New Hampshire Constitution before, but man… talk about BAD. ASS. Check out article 10: [Art.] 10. [Right of Revolution.] Government being instituted
Category: Police State
Obama vs. Reagan
Barack Obama: Unfortunately, you’ve grown up hearing voices that incessantly warn of government as nothing more than some separate, sinister entity that’s at the root
Will the UK Break Treaties and Violate the Rule of Law?
I suppose that it is no shock to anyone that the rule of law died long ago in many of the modern western police states,
Don’t Pass Out on the Toilet in Cambridge
If you get drunk and pass out on the toilet in the city of Cambridge, Ontario, Canada, you are breaking the law. http://www.cambridge.ca/byLaws/04-181%20Building%20&%20Property%20Standards%20By-law.pdf 1. Definitions
Police State Bullying Man for Storing Water
The Police States of America are at it again. This time in Oregon. They’re prosecuting Gary Harrington for storing rain water and snow runoff. http://cnsnews.com/news/article/oregon-man-sentenced-30-days-jail-collecting-rainwater-his-property
Nazi Comparisons are a Tribute – Not a Mockery
With Canada tumbling in a downward spiral into a police state, is it any wonder that students would give thug police a straight arm salute?
Frackin’ Reserve Web Edition – A Fractional Reserve Banking Simulator
Frackin’ Reserve Web Edition is a web port of Frackin’ Reserve, which is a desktop version of Frackin’ Reserve Web Edition. Hopefully that clears things up!
Water Quality and Fluoride in Melbourne, Victoria
The quality of water coming out of the taps here in Melbourne is simply abysmal. Melbourne Water Corporation, the organization responsible for the water supply, does
Plastic Bag Ban Idiocy
Well, looks like the environmental wackos in California are at it again, and this time trying to ban plastic bags. You can find the article
Concentration Camps Coming to a City Near You!
You simply can’t make this shit up. Get ready. Someone is going to be knocking at your door very soon. Think I’m kidding? See this