How to convince gun control advocates

When gun control advocates screech about “nobody needs a gun”, what’s really going on is that they’re reflecting on what THEY would do with a gun, i.e. they’d shoot and kill people. They can’t think of anything else because they’re not thinking – they’re “feeling” and allowing their emotions to control themselves. These anti-gunners are… Continue reading How to convince gun control advocates

How to Eliminate National Debt Entirely

It’s possible to completely eliminate the national debt in Canada relatively easily. There are a few simple steps. Have the Bank of Canada print money slowly Buy back debt slowly, silently, stealthily As inflation rises, use money previously allocated to debt payments to destroy $CAD It’s that easy. However, I’ll explain the process for the… Continue reading How to Eliminate National Debt Entirely


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THE #1 priority RRRSPP is for SAFETY! There are too many naive people that want individual freedom and liberty to do things like go out in public, participate in society, and just generally do things that NORMAL people do. Well… the RRRSPP for that can be easily summarized… You either lose your freedoms, or you… Continue reading FREEDOM VS. SAFETY RRRSPPs


Covid-19, vaccines, and vaccine passports are THE #1 RRRSP priority, and currently the sissy Liberals under Justine Castro are proposing mandatory vaccinations for people and vaccine passports in order to participate in society.  This doesn’t go far enough.  Firstly, it’s illegal because we currently have fundamental human rights enshrined in the Canadian Charter of Rights… Continue reading REAL SOLUTIONS FOR MANDATORY VACCINES & VACCINE PASSPORTS RRRSPPs


The Liberals will introduce vaccine passports and mandatory vaccinations. Ryan the Renegade Rhino will build back better than that! Here’s one part of the plan! PERMANENTLY WELD MASKS ON PEOPLE’S FACES Bane in Batman, Cobra Commander, Jim Carey in The Mask, Jason in Halloween, Spiderman (yes, J Jonah Jameson was right – Spiderman is a… Continue reading COVID MASKS RRRSPPs


The environment is THE top #1 priority RRRSPP! The world is about to end, and only Ryan the Renegade Rhino is brave enough to put forward bold solutions to save us from the fiery inferno death that awaits us! Exterminate all ants: Ants produce 10x the CO2 of all human activity. Ban agriculture: Agriculture accounts… Continue reading CLIMATE CATASTROPHE RRRSPPs

“Private Companies” & Censorship

I’m horribly disappointed with how so many people who should know better keep squealing about how “thEy’rE a pRiVATe comPANY SO THey caN dO wHatEVER THEy wAnt”. No. Just, no. tl;dr – Corporations should be limited in the same way that the United States of America Constitution and Bill of Rights limits the government and… Continue reading “Private Companies” & Censorship

Moral and Ethical Consideration (2)

Moral or ethical consideration is spatially limited. (And moreover, limited by capacity or ability.) That is, the further away a consideration, the less weight is given to it. For example, should you be in a situation where someone is attacking another person unprovoked, you have a stronger duty to intervene and help the innocent victim.… Continue reading Moral and Ethical Consideration (2)

Ironically, Cloudflare goes full Nazi to censor Nazis and realises that they just went full Nazi

Cloudflare is one of the more important companies on the Internet. If you’re unfamiliar with their name, you’ve certainly seen the results of their services. In a recent event, Cloudflare dropped Daily Stormer as a client. If you’re unfamiliar with Daily Stormer, count yourself lucky. They’re full on Nazis. Or were. They’re offline now. (If… Continue reading Ironically, Cloudflare goes full Nazi to censor Nazis and realises that they just went full Nazi

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