GMOs are Bio-warfare: Let’s call them what they are!

I wish people would stop calling the toxic biological weapons, which Monsanto, Pioneer, and other “GMO” companies create, “GMOs”. They’re not. They’re bio-weapons. It’s bio-warfare. Here are just a few links to information about the insanity: For that last article, BASF is one of the companies that IG Farben was split into after WWII.… Continue reading GMOs are Bio-warfare: Let’s call them what they are!

Capital Hits in Travian

Capital hits in the online massively multiplayer online browser game (MMOBG) Travian aren’t to be taken lightly. Players always defend their capitals because they are very expensive to build. They’re expensive in terms of the time you need to invest, the resources in the game that you need to build them, and actual real money… Continue reading Capital Hits in Travian

Sources of Morality

Well, it’s Christmas, and it occurred to me that “what is right” and “what is wrong” are far too often more shades of gray than anything else. One of the only remotely sensible options is Immanuel Kant’s Categorical Imperative. This has problems though, with the most often cited problem running along these lines: You’re living… Continue reading Sources of Morality

Renegade Slayer’s Travian Guide for Beginners: Being Farmed

Travian is an massively multi-player online browser war game. MMOBWG? Whatever. This guide is for new players that whine about being attacked. Follow this guide, and you won’t be attacked, and you will easily grow. Beginners often whine about being attacked in the game. Larger players steal their resources and kill their troops. Well, if… Continue reading Renegade Slayer’s Travian Guide for Beginners: Being Farmed

A Win in MagicGem Challenge

Well, this is what a win in MagicGem looks like more or less. The level ends when 5 skulls hit the bottom. But, it’s impossible for any of the skulls to make it to the bottom, so effectively, it’s a win. The glowing gems can’t be destroyed except if you move them to destroy all… Continue reading A Win in MagicGem Challenge

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RDBMS Table Design in Excel?

I was just thinking about data mining relationships between atoms and chemical compounds, and about putting it all into a nice, neat RDBMS for that, when it occurred to me that I’m really not an expert in the field, and designing the database would require more knowledge than I have. However, in a process of… Continue reading RDBMS Table Design in Excel?

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