Pickproof Lock Concept

Lock picking is a fairly common hobby and staple skill in some professions, e.g. locksmith and pentesting/red teaming. I follow a few different people on social media that do lock picking or pentesting, e.g. the lock picking lawyer on YouTube. It’s fairly common to see various “pick proof” lock design videos. Or rather, lock pickers… Continue reading Pickproof Lock Concept

A Long Chat With ChatGPT on Diseases and Vaccines

ChatGPT is a great resource and highly useful. However, it’s incredibly biased and its answers are very often more of an editorial then a factual answer. Further, it will refuse to answer questions that it is more than capable of doing… if the answer is politically inconvenient. And more, it lies. Black lies. It will… Continue reading A Long Chat With ChatGPT on Diseases and Vaccines

Atlantica Party

The Atlantica Party voluntarily deregistered. I’ll post more information at a later date. For the time being, this is a place holder for atlanticaparty.ca to redirect to.

Categorised as Politics

How to convince gun control advocates

When gun control advocates screech about “nobody needs a gun”, what’s really going on is that they’re reflecting on what THEY would do with a gun, i.e. they’d shoot and kill people. They can’t think of anything else because they’re not thinking – they’re “feeling” and allowing their emotions to control themselves. These anti-gunners are… Continue reading How to convince gun control advocates

I HATE Bill C-63

Just when you thought that Trudeau and his Satanic clowns couldn’t come up with anything stupider… BOOM! There it is… new heights of stupidity. Bill C-63. Life in prison for crimes that you didn’t commit. The first, and hopefully last, reading is here: https://www.parl.ca/DocumentViewer/en/44-1/bill/C-63/first-reading This is just insane: Advocating genocide 318 (1) Every person who advocates or… Continue reading I HATE Bill C-63

REACTION: Memphis Has Fallen: Looting & Stealing Chaos

The once-great city of Memphis now seems to be a rotting corpse of looting and unfettered crime. https://youtu.be/MdSEACOJBHo?list=TLPQMTkxMTIwMjPKzLbLI0RJvA&t=49 This is in part why you need to get a PAL/RPAL and have those resources ready: Link here. Mirror here: Check buddy out at 0:49. He’s got a rifle with him. For LOOTING! It’s a bit clearer… Continue reading REACTION: Memphis Has Fallen: Looting & Stealing Chaos

Top 6 Tips for the Young Living USB Orb Diffuser

The Young Living USB Orb Diffuser for essential oils is a small, compact, ideal form factor for small or confined areas, such as your workstation or desk, bathroom, etc. It’s also dirt cheap. I stocked up on a few of them both for myself and a few for gifts. While I do have a few… Continue reading Top 6 Tips for the Young Living USB Orb Diffuser

DIY Weapons – Getting Explosives

So, you’ve made the incredibly stupid decision to live life on the edge as a (semi-)retarded criminal/terrorist, but you don’t have any explosives! What’s a shithead to do? Keep on reading for shit that you absolutely shouldn’t do… Really. Don’t do it. You could seriously injure or kill yourself. Just. Don’t. We’re back again with… Continue reading DIY Weapons – Getting Explosives

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