Keeping or removing “under God” from the US pledge of allegiance is simply the wrong question entirely. SJC to weigh wording of pledge The state
Year: 2013
More Reliable News Sources on Syria
It’s stunning to see the lies and drivel in the mainstream news media. They’ve done an excellent job at distorting truth and displaying some of
NSA Killing Business for Cloud Providers
It looks like the NSA PRISM scandal will cost businesses in the US between $22~35 billion over the next few years. Big surprise. Would you
Consumers Are Not Job Creators
It’s rather annoying to hear the worst nonsense constantly paraded around like some kind of eternal truth. That “consumers are job creators” is some of
SecureWP4Me – Locking Down WordPress
Being swamped with work and personal life can take a toll on one’s blog. Fortunately I happened across SecureWP4Me. What would have taken me a
Back Doing Guitar & Drum Trainer Development
While I’ve been back doing some more development on Guitar & Drum Trainer, I noticed a few bugs and fixed them. The funny thing is
“Reasonable” is Bad Reasoning
I really don’t like the use of “reasonable” in any kind of argument. It’s most common use is to mean “you must change your mind”
Disinfo or Poor Reasoning at
A recent article at talks about how a specific font (ZXX) can hide information from the NSA. This is a pretty silly claim.
A $500 per ozt Silver Example
Dr. Jeff has an interesting question in a recent article: When the negligible value of paper currency eventually becomes apparent, what does it matter
The Rise of Voluntaryism/Anarchism
I just noticed that the Adam vs. the Man logo now uses the voluntaryist “V”. He used to espouse strong libertarian ideas, but now seems