I suppose that it is no shock to anyone that the rule of law died long ago in many of the modern western police states, including the United Kingdom. Now with Julian Assange granted asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy, the UK is blatantly flaunting the fact that it is a lawless country of thugs where… Continue reading Will the UK Break Treaties and Violate the Rule of Law?
Year: 2012
Usury, once in control, will wreck any nation.
A brilliant quote from William Lyon Mackenzie King, the 10th Prime Minister of Canada, and the longest serving Prime Minister. Click for a larger version. Once a nation parts with the control of its currency and credit, it matters not who makes the nations laws. Usury, once in control, will wreck any nation. Until the… Continue reading Usury, once in control, will wreck any nation.
We do not convert people to think our way by pouring bombs upon them, day after day and week after week.
I love the “motivational/demotivational” format for graphics, but rarely ever see any Canadian Prime Ministers quoted. Which is a real shame, as we’ve had some smart men in the top office in Canada. So, I’d like to whip up a few, starting with John Diefenbaker. Click for a larger version: The image is actually quite… Continue reading We do not convert people to think our way by pouring bombs upon them, day after day and week after week.
Don’t Pass Out on the Toilet in Cambridge
If you get drunk and pass out on the toilet in the city of Cambridge, Ontario, Canada, you are breaking the law. http://www.cambridge.ca/byLaws/04-181%20Building%20&%20Property%20Standards%20By-law.pdf 1. Definitions (u) habitable room means any room in a dwelling unit used or intended to be used for living, sleeping, cooking or eating purposes; (x) non-habitable room means any room in a… Continue reading Don’t Pass Out on the Toilet in Cambridge
Police State Bullying Man for Storing Water
The Police States of America are at it again. This time in Oregon. They’re prosecuting Gary Harrington for storing rain water and snow runoff. http://cnsnews.com/news/article/oregon-man-sentenced-30-days-jail-collecting-rainwater-his-property A rural Oregon man was sentenced Wednesday to 30 days in jail and over $1,500 in fines because he had three reservoirs on his property to collect and use rainwater.… Continue reading Police State Bullying Man for Storing Water
Frackin’ Reserve! for Linux and Mac OS X
The first version of Frackin’ Reserve! was only for Windows, and the second version was a web version, but suffered from some typical web limitations. This version is cross platform for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. It requires Mono, which is a free download that you can get here. Frackin’ Reserve! is a fractional… Continue reading Frackin’ Reserve! for Linux and Mac OS X
Using GitHub in MonoDevelop
So I just started to use GitHub for a tiny project, and wanted to use it from inside of MonoDevelop. After 2 days of looking on and off for the “easy” answer, I never found it. Yes – I’ll do just about anything to avoid dropping down to the command line if possible. Finally I… Continue reading Using GitHub in MonoDevelop
Code Completion Quirk with Stetic and GTK# in MonoDevelop
I just noticed in MonoDevelop an odd quirk with code completion and Stetic. If you add a widget then go and try to refer to it in code, it doesn’t show up in code completion until you build the project. So, simply add the widget, build the project, then go into the code and you’ll… Continue reading Code Completion Quirk with Stetic and GTK# in MonoDevelop
Spanning Columns in a GTK# Table
Coming from working on WinForms, GTK# is a very, very different paradigm for layout. I struggled to figure out just how to span columns in a table as searching for information didn’t really work out very well. Instead of setting properties on the table, you set the properties on the widget as it inherits a… Continue reading Spanning Columns in a GTK# Table
OpenTK, GTK#, GLControl, and GLWidget
Sigh… So I’m banging my head against the wall trying to get a GLControl working in a GTK# project in MonoDevelop… Not gonna work. The GLControl inherits from System.Windows.Forms.UserControl, so you basically end up resorting to exactly what you wanted to avoid in the first place by using GTK#, i.e. Windows Forms. Here’s an image… Continue reading OpenTK, GTK#, GLControl, and GLWidget