How to Get Huntercoins for Free

Huntercoin-logoMy original title for this post was “Stop Begging for Huntercoins You Lazy Piece of Shit!” However, I figured that was a bit too direct. But either way, you can still get Huntercoins (HUC) for free if you follow a few simple steps below. Some will require that you do a bit of work or reading. If you want Huntercoins, and don’t want to do that, well, you’re a lazy piece of shit. Stop reading and go back to your pathetic life of grovelling at the feet of others. Those of you that have a bit of self-respect, read on!

  1. Mine Dogecoins (or some other crypto currency)
  2. Sell coins for BTC
  3. Buy HUC
  4. Play Huntercoin and make truckloads more coins!

It’s that simple. Not very hard. Yet there are countless people out there begging like pathetic worms for HUC.

For more information on mining… just search for it. It’s not that hard.

Now, there are giveaways in the Namecoin forums here:

And you can get some free HUC there for as long as the giveaways last.

But for the love of Pete, don’t just spam everywhere asking for HUC. Stick to the begging and giveaway threads. I’ve given out hundreds of dollars of coins already. And I still have people begging for more. Give me a break! Give everyone a break!

Get some HUC. Kick ass in the games. But please, don’t grovel everywhere.





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