Pickproof Lock Concept

Lock picking is a fairly common hobby and staple skill in some professions, e.g. locksmith and pentesting/red teaming. I follow a few different people on social media that do lock picking or pentesting, e.g. the lock picking lawyer on YouTube. It’s fairly common to see various “pick proof” lock design videos. Or rather, lock pickers… Continue reading Pickproof Lock Concept

Top 6 Tips for the Young Living USB Orb Diffuser

The Young Living USB Orb Diffuser for essential oils is a small, compact, ideal form factor for small or confined areas, such as your workstation or desk, bathroom, etc. It’s also dirt cheap. I stocked up on a few of them both for myself and a few for gifts. While I do have a few… Continue reading Top 6 Tips for the Young Living USB Orb Diffuser

Fuck Weapons Bans

Trudeau is a fool. Banning weapons is retarded. Consequently, I’ve decided to begin publishing “how to” posts on DIY weapons that are: Legal to own Legal to carry Illegal to use as a weapon against someone except perhaps in self-defense Further, I plan to post information on seriously fucking insidious weapons. Like, really fucking nasty… Continue reading Fuck Weapons Bans

Xaya CHI/WCHI and How to Buy it

We get a LOT of people asking how to buy CHI or WCHI, and often they don’t know the difference. I’m going to clear up the differences and then give some information and advice on how to buy, where to buy, and some pro tips in another post. CHI vs WCHI CHI is the native… Continue reading Xaya CHI/WCHI and How to Buy it


Equality of the sexes is THE #1 priority for all RRRSPPs! We must work towards GENUINE equality between men and women.  However, the truth is that we have a long way to go, and all the other parties are completely silent on this issue!  96.4% of workplace fatalities are men. The data can be found… Continue reading TOWARDS GREATER EQUALITY BETWEEN THE SEXES RRRSPPs


Racism is THE #1 priority for RRRSPPs. As such, Ryan Rhino will solve the problem of racism and white supremacy once and for all.  When you elect me, because you don’t want to die – see my Covid policies here and here, I will make it law that all white people must identify as BIPOC,… Continue reading RACIAL EQUALITY & RACIAL JUSTICE RRRSPPs

“Private Companies” & Censorship

I’m horribly disappointed with how so many people who should know better keep squealing about how “thEy’rE a pRiVATe comPANY SO THey caN dO wHatEVER THEy wAnt”. No. Just, no. tl;dr – Corporations should be limited in the same way that the United States of America Constitution and Bill of Rights limits the government and… Continue reading “Private Companies” & Censorship

Can’t login using PowerShell to Raspberry Pi running Windows IoT [SOLVED]

I’ve seen a few people having problems using PowerShell to log into their Raspberry Pi 2 that’s running Windows IoT. If you’re here, you’re already frustrated, so here’s what worked for me… Restart WinRM using these 2 commands: net stop winrm net start winrm Next, instead of using the device name for your Raspberry Pi… Continue reading Can’t login using PowerShell to Raspberry Pi running Windows IoT [SOLVED]

Crypto Wallet Backup – Adds Testnet and CONF files

This is an updated version of the GUI version of Crypto Wallet Backup. It adds in 2 things: Testnet folders *.conf files There are no other functional changes. If you use testnet, and need your testnet wallet, then this is what you want. If you also want to back up your *.conf files, then this… Continue reading Crypto Wallet Backup – Adds Testnet and CONF files

Central Banking – A Century of Failure

The last century has been a complete catastrophe for money/currency. The criminal banksters won in a stealth move on December 23rd, 1913. Since then, they have managed to create more wars and death than at any point in history. The central banking disease has since spread to almost the entire world. With control of the… Continue reading Central Banking – A Century of Failure

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