I’m going to start pushing free speech to the limit here. I’m going to try making some extreme arguments that brush up against the limits.
Category: Politics
“Private Companies” & Censorship
I’m horribly disappointed with how so many people who should know better keep squealing about how “thEy’rE a pRiVATe comPANY SO THey caN dO wHatEVER
Hallowed Be Parler’s Name
A mass exodus to Parler ensued. THIS sealed their fate. The left simply cannot tolerate any dissent.
Ironically, Cloudflare goes full Nazi to censor Nazis and realises that they just went full Nazi
Cloudflare is one of the more important companies on the Internet. If you’re unfamiliar with their name, you’ve certainly seen the results of their services.
My Aim is to Horrify You with Yourself
I’ve decided to write a series of non-linear posts that I’ll later reconstruct into a more coherent argument. My next few posts will go over
Why I Support “Terrorism”
Please note that I said, “I support terrorism,” and not, “I support terrorists.” But you’re probably thinking, “This guy is a kook.” Give me 2
Open Letter to My MP: Freedom is our nationality, and it’s not for sale
Given the recent events in Canada, I am emailing my MP with the following letter, and opening it up for anyone that would like to
Protected: Silk Road Judge Doxxed and MSM Lies About it
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Biometric ID Rollout in Africa
While the ebola virus continues to devastate Western Africa, the rollout of biometric IDs is all but completely ignored in the media, but it could
Cop eRights Terms and Conditions Addendum
I was mulling over a few ideas about writing an actual Terms & Conditions, and figured I’d throw up a quick draft. So, here’s the