Google Opt Out is Bullshit

Google is lying to you. You CANNOT opt out of their spying on you. While you may think that you can, check this composite screenshot… Yesterday I posted with the word “Filipino” in forums that use Google “Analytics”. That is the only reference, and I never visit any sites related to the Philippines or any… Continue reading Google Opt Out is Bullshit

Categorised as Awake Tagged

MSM Blasts “The World Tomorrow” Premiere

Well, you didn’t really expect any less than complete and total bullshit, did you? I mean the MSM (MainStream Media), not Julian Assange, of course. Julian Assange interviewed Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah. The interview was good and informative. However, it appears that the MSM doesn’t really like seeing people like Hassan getting a… Continue reading MSM Blasts “The World Tomorrow” Premiere

3 Dead Rich Guys

What do John Jacob Astor IV, Isidor Straus, and Benjamin Guggenheim have in common? They all: Died on April 15th, 1912 Died on the Titanic Opposed the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank Hmmm… The guys that supported the FED seem to have missed the boat there…

Categorised as Awake

Waking Up…

I need to shift some focus here. I need to contribute to helping people wake up. In high school and university I had a brief period of being partially awake. It was short lived as it only attracted ridicule and I got sick of listening to people. Well, I’ve had brief periods since then of… Continue reading Waking Up…

SOPA & PIPA are Anti-Free Speech

Let’s get things straight. SOPA and PIPA are NOT about piracy. They are against suppressing free speech. They are tools for a totalitarian/authoritarian government to silence opposition. They are anything but what the mainstream is trying to push them as. There are plenty of laws already in effect that target copyright infringement. So they are… Continue reading SOPA & PIPA are Anti-Free Speech


Hopefully you’ve been following the SOPA/PIPA debate… In a recent BBC article Richard Mollet, Chief Executive of the Publishers Association, talked about how little value Wikipedia was and how noticeable and dramatic it would be if “rights holders” had a black-out. From the article: Echoing the statements of rights holders in the US, Richard Mollet,… Continue reading THEN DO IT!

Infinite Disappointment in Bill Gates

I used to think that Bill Gates was a philanthropist and humanitarian. He’s anything but that. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation just bought 500,000 shares in Monsanto. Here’s a mainstream media link: And something probably a bit more reliable and honest: Monsanto is an utterly evil corporation that creates bio-weapons, patents them,… Continue reading Infinite Disappointment in Bill Gates

GMOs are Bio-warfare: Let’s call them what they are!

I wish people would stop calling the toxic biological weapons, which Monsanto, Pioneer, and other “GMO” companies create, “GMOs”. They’re not. They’re bio-weapons. It’s bio-warfare. Here are just a few links to information about the insanity: For that last article, BASF is one of the companies that IG Farben was split into after WWII.… Continue reading GMOs are Bio-warfare: Let’s call them what they are!

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