An Excellent DotNetNuke Tutorial

I’m back in DotNetNuke mode and while doing some refresher reading and whatnot I came across this tutorial. It’s quite good. Much better written and presented than many tutorials I’ve seen on the topic. During the setup portion of the tutorial, it says: To make the designer work correctly with DotNetNuke controls we will have… Continue reading An Excellent DotNetNuke Tutorial

How to Get Around ISP Filtering/Censorship

Well, it’s finally here. Australia is forcing censorship down people’s throats. They’re doing it by getting some Australian ISPs to voluntarily filter some web sites. You can read more about it at the EFF article here. I’m not going to comment on the idiocy of Internet censorship, but instead I’ll tell you how to get… Continue reading How to Get Around ISP Filtering/Censorship

FL Studio Now Mobile

FL Studio is one wicked cool audio program for musicians, and now it’s available in the FL Studio Mobile edition for the iPhone and iPad. Image-Line is pleased to announce FL Studio Mobile. FL Studio Mobile will allow you to create complete multi-track projects on your iPod, iPhone or iPad and, if you want, load… Continue reading FL Studio Now Mobile

Logging Out of Facebook with C# SDK

Logging out of Facebook programmatically turns out to be much more problematic that you would think. I posted the question at StackOverflow asking if anyone knew of a way to get it done. The only answer, other than mine, turned up the same results I’d been having, i.e. You just can’t logout easily. So, I… Continue reading Logging Out of Facebook with C# SDK

Open Source Wars: GeckoFX and MozNet

Well, it appears I’ve been caught in the cross-fire in some open source wars. A number of years ago, SkyBound released GeckoFX as an wrapper for XULrunner, or the Firefox browser engine. Eventually Andrew moved on and left it to the community. One fellow, Scott, picked up the reigns and continued development and eventually forked… Continue reading Open Source Wars: GeckoFX and MozNet

Melbourne Public Transportation: Contempt for Customers

Public transportation in Melbourne is the worst in the country. By a wide margin. It’s not even close. I just saw some rankings in the Herald Sun. Melbourne was rated 2 stars out of 5 in most categories. If they’re trying to be pathetic, they’re succeeding. Here’s an article about just how poor it Melbourne… Continue reading Melbourne Public Transportation: Contempt for Customers

Julia Gillard is a Homophobic… -NSFW-

So I’m driving down the road today and listening to the Australian Parliament on the radio. And there’s a question for Julia Gillard, the Australian Prime Minister. Will Australia issue single, non-married adults outside of Australia a letter of non-impediment to marriage? To which she gives a resounding NO. She flat out says that gays… Continue reading Julia Gillard is a Homophobic… -NSFW-

Getting the Album ID with the Facebook C# SDK

I really shouldn’t drink & post like last night… Anyways, cynicism and rantiness wane as sobriety returns, and here’s some code that illustrates uploading a photo to a specific album: It’s not hard at all. But the lack of decent documentation makes it painful at best. I’ve been harping on this for a long time:… Continue reading Getting the Album ID with the Facebook C# SDK

WTF is an ID for?

I’m a complete and total bigot. Unmitigated, complete, total bigot. The web sucks. And web APIs suck too. Especially when the documentation is non-existant or confusing or wrong. That sets me off. You see, I hate shit. It smells. I don’t smear shit all over the walls in my house, and it kind of pisses… Continue reading WTF is an ID for?

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