The Licensing Experience with Infralution and DotNetNuke

I don’t think that I’ve ever done a licensing or purchasing flow exactly the same way twice. Well, a couple times, but mostly I experiment with both major changes and minor tweaks. This time around for the Super Simple Photo Resizer Social Edition, I’m doing things more or less right. There are a few things… Continue reading The Licensing Experience with Infralution and DotNetNuke

Creating Urgency for Sales with Infralution Licensing System

I need to create a large number of “products” for Photo Resizer, but they’re really all just the same product with different prices. And not 2 or 3 prices, but more like 20 or 30 prices. Actually, I’ll likely end up creating more than 30, but that’s a detail. It may seem strange to some… Continue reading Creating Urgency for Sales with Infralution Licensing System

Renegade Slayer’s Travian Guide for Beginners: Being Farmed

Travian is an massively multi-player online browser war game. MMOBWG? Whatever. This guide is for new players that whine about being attacked. Follow this guide, and you won’t be attacked, and you will easily grow. Beginners often whine about being attacked in the game. Larger players steal their resources and kill their troops. Well, if… Continue reading Renegade Slayer’s Travian Guide for Beginners: Being Farmed

The Doc Report Episode #1 with Nico Westerdale

At long last, we’ve finally got the first episode of The Doc Report out the door! The first episode features an interview with Nico Westerdale of Bits du Jour, Iconico, and Software Marketing Resource. In the interview we talk about software marketing, how certain software markets behave, and other software related goodness! (No spoilers here!)… Continue reading The Doc Report Episode #1 with Nico Westerdale

A Win in MagicGem Challenge

Well, this is what a win in MagicGem looks like more or less. The level ends when 5 skulls hit the bottom. But, it’s impossible for any of the skulls to make it to the bottom, so effectively, it’s a win. The glowing gems can’t be destroyed except if you move them to destroy all… Continue reading A Win in MagicGem Challenge

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DotNetNuke 6 is SEXY!

In a word, SEXY! The new DotNetNuke 6 is just flat out gorgeous. It sports a new skin, DarkKnight, that is simply beautiful. But that’s just the start. The new management interface is slick. Very slick. New “Manage” buttons are in the modules. You simply hover over them to see something like this: Edit an… Continue reading DotNetNuke 6 is SEXY!

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