Lock picking is a fairly common hobby and staple skill in some professions, e.g. locksmith and pentesting/red teaming. I follow a few different people on social media that do lock picking or pentesting, e.g. the lock picking lawyer on YouTube. It’s fairly common to see various “pick proof” lock design videos. Or rather, lock pickers… Continue reading Pickproof Lock Concept
Category: Uncategorized
Because healthcare and your safety are THE #1 priority for RRRSPPs, Ryan Rhino will require everyone (especially fat bastards) to show Junk Food Passports before any food purchase. Also, since all food will be illegal in order to save the planet (and agriculture – see point #2 here), you’ll only be able to eat vitamins… Continue reading JUNK FOOD PASSPORTS RRRSPPs (HEALTHCARE Part 2)
Time to start blogging again. This is the reboot. Things are going to get… offensive. 😋
Moral and Ethical Consideration (3)
Moral and ethical consideration can only be given in degrees of reciprocity. That is, a rock cannot give any moral consideration to you when it falls on your head, and you cannot give any real moral consideration to that rock. Similarly, mosquitoes do what mosquitoes do, and if a mosquitoes bites you, it’s only being a mosquito.… Continue reading Moral and Ethical Consideration (3)
Moral and Ethical Consideration (2)
Moral or ethical consideration is spatially limited. (And moreover, limited by capacity or ability.) That is, the further away a consideration, the less weight is given to it. For example, should you be in a situation where someone is attacking another person unprovoked, you have a stronger duty to intervene and help the innocent victim.… Continue reading Moral and Ethical Consideration (2)
How to Get Huntercoins for Free
My original title for this post was “Stop Begging for Huntercoins You Lazy Piece of Shit!” However, I figured that was a bit too direct. But either way, you can still get Huntercoins (HUC) for free if you follow a few simple steps below. Some will require that you do a bit of work or… Continue reading How to Get Huntercoins for Free
Why You Need to Take Dogecoin Seriously…
Yeah… I get it… Dogecoin is a joke. Ha. Ha. It’s funny. The maturity level is low. But you need to take it seriously. Check http://bitinfocharts.com/. Dogecoin has: The 6th largest marketcap there (at the moment) The largest number of transactions of any crypto by a factor of almost 2 The second largest scrypt hashrate… Continue reading Why You Need to Take Dogecoin Seriously…
Foreign Policy’s Power Map
It is far from rare to see total BS in the media, but the following is a spectacularly skewed list. http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2013/04/29/the_500_most_powerful_people_in_the_world For the sake of ease, here’s an Excel file that you can sort to have a deeper and easier look into the FUD: Foreign policy top 500 powerful people In there you’ll find all… Continue reading Foreign Policy’s Power Map
Litecoin Mining on Mac OS X – Solving Library Errors
I have FINALLY managed to get an LTC miner running on my Mac. The basic problem was that unless you do a lot of development on a Mac, you’re unlikely to have your machine set up properly for mining, and you’ll get missing library errors from the miner – libidn.11.dylib and libssl.1.0.0.dylib. (I generally find… Continue reading Litecoin Mining on Mac OS X – Solving Library Errors
Pulling a Fellow from a Burning Wreck
I need to get some thoughts down while they’re still fresh enough for me to remember. The other night I was working on some material for Samsung’s Family Story service when I heard some loud, dull thudding noises. I figured that maybe a car in the parking lot adjacent to where we live had hit… Continue reading Pulling a Fellow from a Burning Wreck