Central Banking – A Century of Failure

The last century has been a complete catastrophe for money/currency. The criminal banksters won in a stealth move on December 23rd, 1913. Since then, they have managed to create more wars and death than at any point in history. The central banking disease has since spread to almost the entire world. With control of the… Continue reading Central Banking – A Century of Failure

Killing Cops is OK. Sometimes.

The topic of violence really sets a lot of people off. Those that love it, get upset when you point out that they participate and endorse it. Those that abhor violence, get testy when the topic of defense comes up. The first of those is easily seen in any discussion of tax with a statist.… Continue reading Killing Cops is OK. Sometimes.

“Under God” is the Wrong Question

Keeping or removing “under God” from the US pledge of allegiance is simply the wrong question entirely. SJC to weigh wording of pledge The state Supreme Judicial Court will begin hearing arguments this week in an atheist Acton couple’s quest to strike the words “under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance their children say in… Continue reading “Under God” is the Wrong Question

More Reliable News Sources on Syria

It’s stunning to see the lies and drivel in the mainstream news media. They’ve done an excellent job at distorting truth and displaying some of the most transparent lies, e.g. Secretary of State John Kerry has been a wonderful source of lies and misdirection. You can verify that by listening to just about any word… Continue reading More Reliable News Sources on Syria

Disinfo or Poor Reasoning at Reason.com?

A recent article at Reason.com talks about how a specific font (ZXX) can hide information from the NSA. http://reason.com/blog/2013/06/21/dont-want-the-nsa-to-read-your-email-use This is a pretty silly claim. The first reason is pretty obvious: If it’s in digital text, then since the underlying character values are all the same as normal text and the font is irrelevant, well,… Continue reading Disinfo or Poor Reasoning at Reason.com?

Christianity and Anarchism/Voluntaryism

For quite a while I’ve been mulling over how Christianity is anarchistic, and even necessarily so. Then I came across this: http://anarchast.com/front/2013/5/2/anarchast-ep72-with-paul-rosenberg-christians-are-anarchists.html When you think about it, it makes sense. Christianity doesn’t force anyone to be a Christian. The entire point is to freely choose. Freewill is paramount. This is pretty much what you get… Continue reading Christianity and Anarchism/Voluntaryism

The Right of Revolution

I’d never seen the New Hampshire Constitution before, but man… talk about BAD. ASS. Check out article 10: [Art.] 10. [Right of Revolution.] Government being instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security, of the whole community, and not for the private interest or emolument of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, whenever… Continue reading The Right of Revolution

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