US Marshals Service Selling 50,000 Stolen Bitcoins

The US Marshals Service is auctioning off 50,000 stolen bitcoin that they looted from Ross Ulbricht. Here’s a screenshot of the web page where they’re looking for people to sell their stolen property. No convictions in yet, but still, they’re flogging off what they’ve stolen. For those interested in what “steal” means: What the… Continue reading US Marshals Service Selling 50,000 Stolen Bitcoins

Why do people video other people getting murdered?

It’s pretty common to see videos of people idly standing by while someone is murdered. Here’s just one recent example from PINAC: There are about 10 cops hanging around while the poor fellow is murdered by cops. What could anyone do to save him? If there were only 3 cops, someone might stand a… Continue reading Why do people video other people getting murdered?

Cop eRights Terms and Conditions Addendum

I was mulling over a few ideas about writing an actual Terms & Conditions, and figured I’d throw up a quick draft. So, here’s the “Cop eRights Terms and Conditions Addendum” for your entertainment. (It could likely use a good amount of work, but this is still good for a possible chuckle/groan.) Cop eRights Terms… Continue reading Cop eRights Terms and Conditions Addendum

Killing Cops is OK. Sometimes.

The topic of violence really sets a lot of people off. Those that love it, get upset when you point out that they participate and endorse it. Those that abhor violence, get testy when the topic of defense comes up. The first of those is easily seen in any discussion of tax with a statist.… Continue reading Killing Cops is OK. Sometimes.

Concentration Camps Coming to a City Near You!

You simply can’t make this shit up. Get ready. Someone is going to be knocking at your door very soon. Think I’m kidding? See this video here: Video from: The original report and PDF is available at Public Intelligence here: Here’s the summary… The US is a police state worse than the Nazis… Continue reading Concentration Camps Coming to a City Near You!

Getting Around Internet Censorship: Internet Freedom

There is no better way to set me off into a mindless fury of profanity and obscenity than to censor me. I loathe censorship. It sets me off. So, here’s how to get around censorship in repressive police states like Belgium… The Belgian Anti-Piracy Federation (BAF) has urged all Belgian ISPs to block Swedish freetard… Continue reading Getting Around Internet Censorship: Internet Freedom

Bizarre Law Enforcement in Victoria

Australian law enforcement continues to baffle me. Harsh penalties for nothing, and slaps on the wrist for violent offenders. I don’t get it. Victorian law enforcement seems to be particularly nutty sometimes. While reading some news at The Age I came across an article: Experts pan public mobile speed camera plan The last paragraph struck… Continue reading Bizarre Law Enforcement in Victoria

Police Send Negative Messages About Australians

The Victoria police and Victoria Roads really know how to send some negative messages. Looking at their billboard ads, Australia, or at least Victoria and Melbourne, has some horrible problems, including drinking and driving. It really seems like people just don’t know how to behave properly. It’s not like other places don’t have problems with… Continue reading Police Send Negative Messages About Australians

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