Robosoft for Beginners

Software Marketing with Robosoft For years RoboSoft has been the single most effective 1-stop way to promote software. If it isn’t already a part of your software marketing, it should be. If it is a part of your software marketing, there are most likely areas where you can squeeze quite a bit more juice out… Continue reading Robosoft for Beginners

TrialPay Integration with IPN.NET

I’m slowly closing in on being able to release the new Photo Resizer Social Edition. It will feature 1-click photo uploading to Facebook, Flickr, and TwitPic/Twitter, but all that has been the easy stuff so far. The licensing and marketing side of it is where the real work is. Building on how I integrated ILS… Continue reading TrialPay Integration with IPN.NET

The Licensing Experience with Infralution and DotNetNuke

I don’t think that I’ve ever done a licensing or purchasing flow exactly the same way twice. Well, a couple times, but mostly I experiment with both major changes and minor tweaks. This time around for the Super Simple Photo Resizer Social Edition, I’m doing things more or less right. There are a few things… Continue reading The Licensing Experience with Infralution and DotNetNuke

Creating Urgency for Sales with Infralution Licensing System

I need to create a large number of “products” for Photo Resizer, but they’re really all just the same product with different prices. And not 2 or 3 prices, but more like 20 or 30 prices. Actually, I’ll likely end up creating more than 30, but that’s a detail. It may seem strange to some… Continue reading Creating Urgency for Sales with Infralution Licensing System

Robosoft and DynamicPAD Results 12 Days In

So, Super Simple has been live for 12 days. It took about 2.5 days to submit, and since then I’ve only made some blog and forum posts. Results? Not too bad. Photo Resizer has moved from second click results to first click results, just as predicted. The Super Simple Photo Resizer even has a top… Continue reading Robosoft and DynamicPAD Results 12 Days In

Turbo-Charging Robosoft with DynamicPAD (Part 3)

Last time in Part 2 I covered what at the end of it was essentially a useless Excel file. This time I’m going to show how to put that to work. If you recall, the Excel file looked something like this: And after it’s completed, it could look something like this: Note there that the… Continue reading Turbo-Charging Robosoft with DynamicPAD (Part 3)

Initial Robosoft and DynamicPAD Sumbission Results

Well, I’ve spent the better part of 2 individual days doing submissions with some final submissions on the morning of a 3rd day. So, that’s the time investment. Now, Photo Resizer ranked absolute zero prior to the submissions, so anything that’s in the search engines now is purely because of the submissions that I’ve just… Continue reading Initial Robosoft and DynamicPAD Sumbission Results

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