MSM Blasts “The World Tomorrow” Premiere

Well, you didn’t really expect any less than complete and total bullshit, did you? I mean the MSM (MainStream Media), not Julian Assange, of course.

Julian Assange interviewed Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah. The interview was good and informative.

However, it appears that the MSM doesn’t really like seeing people like Hassan getting a voice and being able to present his perspective.

Instead, reactions to the premiere of “The World Tomorrow” were little more than spewing venom. Here are a few examples of perhaps some of the worst journalism around:

  • The World Tomorrow: Julian Assange proves a useful idiot
  • The Kremlin propaganda channel Russia Today has exclusive initial rights to the show
  • Don’t quit your day job.

The idiocy out there goes on.

The press simply attacked everything about the new show. Nothing was good enough for them. Well, go figure. They specialize in silencing people like Julian and Hassan.

You can find “The World Tomorrow” here:

Have a see for yourself. Don’t rely on me or the MSM to formulate an opinion. Do your own thinking.





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