Why I Support “Terrorism”

Please note that I said, “I support terrorism,” and not, “I support terrorists.”

But you’re probably thinking, “This guy is a kook.” Give me 2 minutes to tease your intellect and curiosity a bit.

Terrorism is the use of violence to achieve a political end.

I am sure a few people will try to redefine terrorism as something else, but if we are to be honest, we need to stick to what the word actually means, and not try to twist it with some sort of Orwellian newspeak.

So, to start let’s look at some “terrorists”:

Spartacus: A slave who led a revolt against the Romans.

Emmanuel d’Astier de La Vigerie: A leader in the French resistance against the Nazi occupation in France during WWII.

Thomas Jefferson: A terrorist leader against the British in colonial America.

Patrick Henry: Another terrorist leader against the British in colonial America. Probably most famous for saying, “Give me liberty, or give me death!”

George Washington: Yet another terrorist in the American colonies. Certainly a nasty bastard at times, but still a terrorist.

William Wallace: A Scottish terrorist who fought for freedom in Scotland against King Edward I of England, who had William tortured, murdered and dismembered in horrific ways for daring to give a shit about his people and not recognise the right of England to rape and pillage whatever they damn well feel like.

Andrew Moray: A fellow terrorist along with William Wallace. Fought to repel English invaders from the south.

Nelson Mandela: A terrorist who fought against apartheid.

But if you don’t like real life terrorists, perhaps a fictional terrorist may appeal to your sensitivities?

Luke Skywalker: The consumate terrorist. This individual was single-handedly responsible for the deaths of countless thousands of people and clones in but a single attack on a government military installation.


Yes. I support terrorism. It’s a tool. Much like a hammer or screwdriver.

You can find a list of the real terrorist that betrayed Canada here.

To all of them, fuck you. My freedoms are not for sale.



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One thought on “Why I Support “Terrorism”

  1. My only thought is that there remains a difference between violence, and force.
    All your examples given in the article were in response to violence. Like you elude to, a hammer as an object carries no moral judgement. You use force to drive a nail. You use violence to hollow out a skull cavity.

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