For quite a while I’ve been mulling over how Christianity is anarchistic, and even necessarily so. Then I came across this: When you think
Year: 2013
1 More Reason to Use Bitcoin – Feds Steal Mt. Gox Dwolla Funds
The irony here is simply sickening. The Feds have stolen funds from Mt. Gox’s Dwolla account. Don’t they see that what they are doing only
3D Guns Banned by Tyrants
Information is now officially illegal in the United Police States of America. Cody Wilson’s 3D printed guns and gun parts have been shut down. Well,
The Right of Revolution
I’d never seen the New Hampshire Constitution before, but man… talk about BAD. ASS. Check out article 10: [Art.] 10. [Right of Revolution.] Government being instituted
Obama vs. Reagan
Barack Obama: Unfortunately, you’ve grown up hearing voices that incessantly warn of government as nothing more than some separate, sinister entity that’s at the root
Foreign Policy’s Power Map
It is far from rare to see total BS in the media, but the following is a spectacularly skewed list. For the sake of
Dear Mr. Paul Krugman, About Bitcoin…
Dear Mr. Paul Krugman, I read your recent piece about Adam Smith and bitcoin. Once again, it seems all roads in economics come down
Litecoin Mining on Mac OS X – Solving Library Errors
I have FINALLY managed to get an LTC miner running on my Mac. The basic problem was that unless you do a lot of development
Canadians Bullish on Bitcoin
Over the past while I’ve noticed disparities in prices in different bitcoin exchanges. In particular, the VirtEx exchange in Canada often trades at around 10%
Bitcoin Hit Piece After Bitcoin Hit Piece
Mainstream news is reporting hit piece after hit piece on BITCOIN. It’s a non-stop parade of pundits all coming out to scream the horrors of