PowerPoint found an error that it can’t correct

There are few other programs that can send you into a blood thirsty screaming rage like Microsoft Office. Often the problem is a user problem, but not always. If you get an error when opening a file something like: PowerPoint found an error that it can’t correct. blah blah blah The problem could be that… Continue reading PowerPoint found an error that it can’t correct

Getting Around Internet Censorship: Internet Freedom

There is no better way to set me off into a mindless fury of profanity and obscenity than to censor me. I loathe censorship. It sets me off. So, here’s how to get around censorship in repressive police states like Belgium… The Belgian Anti-Piracy Federation (BAF) has urged all Belgian ISPs to block Swedish freetard… Continue reading Getting Around Internet Censorship: Internet Freedom

TrialPay Integration with IPN.NET

I’m slowly closing in on being able to release the new Photo Resizer Social Edition. It will feature 1-click photo uploading to Facebook, Flickr, and TwitPic/Twitter, but all that has been the easy stuff so far. The licensing and marketing side of it is where the real work is. Building on how I integrated ILS… Continue reading TrialPay Integration with IPN.NET

The Licensing Experience with Infralution and DotNetNuke

I don’t think that I’ve ever done a licensing or purchasing flow exactly the same way twice. Well, a couple times, but mostly I experiment with both major changes and minor tweaks. This time around for the Super Simple Photo Resizer Social Edition, I’m doing things more or less right. There are a few things… Continue reading The Licensing Experience with Infralution and DotNetNuke

Creating Urgency for Sales with Infralution Licensing System

I need to create a large number of “products” for Photo Resizer, but they’re really all just the same product with different prices. And not 2 or 3 prices, but more like 20 or 30 prices. Actually, I’ll likely end up creating more than 30, but that’s a detail. It may seem strange to some… Continue reading Creating Urgency for Sales with Infralution Licensing System

An Excellent DotNetNuke Tutorial

I’m back in DotNetNuke mode and while doing some refresher reading and whatnot I came across this tutorial. It’s quite good. Much better written and presented than many tutorials I’ve seen on the topic. During the setup portion of the tutorial, it says: To make the designer work correctly with DotNetNuke controls we will have… Continue reading An Excellent DotNetNuke Tutorial

How to Get Around ISP Filtering/Censorship

Well, it’s finally here. Australia is forcing censorship down people’s throats. They’re doing it by getting some Australian ISPs to voluntarily filter some web sites. You can read more about it at the EFF article here. I’m not going to comment on the idiocy of Internet censorship, but instead I’ll tell you how to get… Continue reading How to Get Around ISP Filtering/Censorship

Logging Out of Facebook with C# SDK

Logging out of Facebook programmatically turns out to be much more problematic that you would think. I posted the question at StackOverflow asking if anyone knew of a way to get it done. The only answer, other than mine, turned up the same results I’d been having, i.e. You just can’t logout easily. So, I… Continue reading Logging Out of Facebook with C# SDK

Getting the Album ID with the Facebook C# SDK

I really shouldn’t drink & post like last night… Anyways, cynicism and rantiness wane as sobriety returns, and here’s some code that illustrates uploading a photo to a specific album: It’s not hard at all. But the lack of decent documentation makes it painful at best. I’ve been harping on this for a long time:… Continue reading Getting the Album ID with the Facebook C# SDK

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