Huntercoin: Mithril Edition Floating Windows

There are 6 floating windows to help you play the game:

  1. Mini Map
  2. Statistics
  3. Cell Info
  4. Target
  5. My Troops
  6. Chat

Mini Map

The mini map lets you zoom in and out and pan around the map in a small area. It is useful for monitoring different locations, tracking the crown, finding hearts, and finding coins.

Click the crown to instantly find the crown on the mini map and follow it.

Cick it again to stop following the crown.

During heated battles for the crown, this is essential information to have.

Click the heart to toggle heart visibility on the map.

Hearts give you extra hunters. They’re rare, so if you have a chance to get one, get it!

Click the coin to toggle coin visibility on the map.

These are the real prizes in the game. Collect as many as you can.

Double-click anywhere in the mini map to instantly navigate on the main map to that location.



The statistics window gives you quick information about how many hunter generals there are (players/teams), and how much loot they have.

It also tells you the total amount of loot that all players have, the amount that you can mine on the map, the name of the player that has the Crown of Fortune, and how many coins they have.


Cell Info

Cell Info tells you about the specific square you have clicked on. If there are no hunters on the square, it is empty.

If there are hunters in that square, like here:

Then you will see all of their names and how many coins they have:

Click on a name to make it your “target”.

If you’ve closed the Cell Info window, you can easily open it up by double-clicking on any square. The Cell Info window will be restored along with information on that square.



Selecting a hunter in the Cell Info window makes that hunter’s team your current “target”.

Double-click on a hunter, or click “Center on Map” to quickly navigate on the map to where that hunter is.

If “Show Direction” is not greyed out, click it to toggle the hunter’s path so that you know where he is going. Paths are even numbered so that you can see how many blocks it will take for that hunter to reach a particular square on the map. <– This is a killer feature that will help you play much better! (Especially against bots!)

Enemy paths are drawn in cyan (light blue). (Your paths are drawn in red.)

The “Find” input lets you enter the name of any hunter to quickly locate them on a map.

To track a hunter, click the lock button. Your cell selection will follow that hunter.


My Troops (moving not available in read-only preview)

The “My Troops” window is where you control your hunters.

Click on a colored tab to select the color of your team that you want to control.

In the first panel, select the name of the team. In the second panel, select the specific hunter that you want to control. Double-click on a hunter to center the map on that hunter.

Right-click on the square you want to move to. You can see the path that your hunter will take, along with the number of turns it will take to get to each point along the way.

The blue highlighted square is your currently selected hunter. The yellow highlighted square is your last selected square.

Your paths are drawn in red, unlike enemies that are drawn in cyan.

As you can see, in game chats appear in word bubbles, so you can quickly and easily find out who is talking. And hunt them down if you like…

Click the green checkmark to move. (Unavailable in preview.)

The radar screen shows all the different colors around your team. You can click the hunter icons to hide colors as well.



FAIR WARNING 1: The chat window is uncensored. Some people may curse or express objectional ideas. Be prepared to ignore some people.

The chat window lets players communicate directly with all other players in the game.

FAIR WARNING 2: Chat is stored on the blockchain forever. If you do not wish to say something that you want stored forever, don’t type it into the chat. Once it is said, it is said FOREVER.

You can filter chat by color, view all chats, and view the console here.

HOT TIPS FOR PLAYING! (coming soon…)


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