Capital Hits in Travian

Capital hits in the online massively multiplayer online browser game (MMOBG) Travian aren’t to be taken lightly. Players always defend their capitals because they are very expensive to build. They’re expensive in terms of the time you need to invest, the resources in the game that you need to build them, and actual real money… Continue reading Capital Hits in Travian

Sources of Morality

Well, it’s Christmas, and it occurred to me that “what is right” and “what is wrong” are far too often more shades of gray than anything else. One of the only remotely sensible options is Immanuel Kant’s Categorical Imperative. This has problems though, with the most often cited problem running along these lines: You’re living… Continue reading Sources of Morality

Peace is Dangerous!?!

Michele Bachmann is firmly in the “village idiot” camp with most other politicians. She’s pro-war and anti-peace. Like WTF? When Ron Paul suggests that perhaps not killing people is a good idea, and that perhaps peace might work, what does she say? I have never heard a more dangerous answer for American security than the… Continue reading Peace is Dangerous!?!

PowerPoint found an error that it can’t correct

There are few other programs that can send you into a blood thirsty screaming rage like Microsoft Office. Often the problem is a user problem, but not always. If you get an error when opening a file something like: PowerPoint found an error that it can’t correct. blah blah blah The problem could be that… Continue reading PowerPoint found an error that it can’t correct

Is God on Your Side?

Ahem… He’s probably got better things to do than take sides. And why is it that it’s always people with guns or people that are fighting that insist “God” is on their side?

CNET and Installers: A Win-Win-Win-Win Scenario

A while back (CNET) did some pretty shady stuff with installers. People screamed bloody murder, and CNET listened. They’re now in beta with the new version of their downloader/installer, and this is a very good thing. They’ve changed all the bad stuff (from what I can tell), and are now offering what looks like… Continue reading CNET and Installers: A Win-Win-Win-Win Scenario

1 Reason to Hate the Web

Maybe 10 reasons would sound sexier, but I’ve just got 1 today. Stupidly high memory usage. That’s it. Just that. Here’s an example:   All the highest memory consuming programs, are web pages… Opera has 60 tabs, but the other Chrome instances are single pages, as is the 1 tab in Firefox. Skype has a… Continue reading 1 Reason to Hate the Web

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