Open Letter to My MP: Freedom is our nationality, and it’s not for sale

Given the recent events in Canada, I am emailing my MP with the following letter, and opening it up for anyone that would like to use it or part of it to email their own MP.

Hello Gary,

I am concerned about recent events causing hysteria and fostering bad ideas like “preventative measures” to detain people suspected of possibly doing something at some untold time in the future. I am equally concerned about the expanding security/surveillance state.

Our liberty is not on the negotiating table. Patrick Henry had a few good words to say about that. But we can look closer to home for thoughts on the topic.

Nothing will prevent me from continuing my task of PRESERVING AT ALL COST OUR CIVIL LIBERTY. – Wilfrid Laurier

Wilfrid Laurier phrased that using “at all cost” and not “at a ‘reasonable’ cost”. I believe that he was more than intelligent enough to know the difference, and that he was quite deliberate in that.

As long as there is a drop of blood in my body THEY WON’T STOP ME FROM TALKING ABOUT FREEDOM. – John Diefenbaker

Freedom and liberty do not take sides. Both Liberals (Wilfrid Laurier) and Progressive Conservatives (John Diefenbaker) have spoken out fiercely in defense of freedom in Canada.

We do not want Canada to dive into the same downward spiral that other “western democracies” have.

  • The United States of America has eviscerated its Constitution and Bill of Rights. Do we want to imitate them and watch things go south?
  • In the UK, David Cameron is trying to make thoughts he doesn’t agree with a crime, and has openly suggested re-education camps. Is going down that road one that will make Canadians happy campers?
  • Australia has criminalised journalism and free speech. Does Canada want to go down under with Australia?

I think the answer to these questions is clear. No. And a resounding NO. Why? Because…

Canada is free and FREEDOM IS ITS NATIONALITY. – Wilfrid Laurier

While ignoring people’s fundamental freedoms, liberties, and Natural Rights certainly makes many tasks much easier, that isn’t what Canada is about.

Certainly there are difficulties in not violating people’s freedoms, liberties, or Natural Rights, but simply because a job is difficult is no reason to strip people of those liberties. It is the job of government to protect and defend our liberty “at all cost”. Our liberty is not a bargaining chip; that a job is difficult is no reason to ask us to sacrifice even the tiniest amount of liberty.

If I may return to John Diefenbaker:

A Canada, united from Coast to Coast, wherein there will be freedom for the individual, freedom of enterprise and where there will be a Government which, in all its actions, will remain the servant and not the master of the people.

However difficult the job of the intelligence service, and however difficult the job of elected (or unelected) officials, that difficulty is no excuse to even think about asking Canadians to sacrifice any of their freedoms. It is our nationality. And it’s not for sale.

I do hope that you will consider the above, and take it with you as you perform your duties as a Minister to Parliament in Ottawa.


Ryan Smyth
A fellow Canadian, Ontarian, and Cantabrigian

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