(I generally find that OS X is simply a shiny version of Unix that’s harder to use. Getting a miner running was further confirmation that anyone who is considering a Mac should just get some blazing fast hardware and slap on some Linux distro. But I digress… On to mining Litecoin on a Mac!)
First, upgrade OS X to 10.8 or whatever. Apple never supports anything older than from last week, so might as well get up to date.
Next, install the most recent version of Xcode, which is 4.6.1 at the moment. Why do you need to install development tools to mine litecoin? Because it’s a Mac. That’s why.
Once you’ve got that installed, install MacPorts. You’ll need to install some other things before installing that, but MacPorts walks you through it quite well.
Once you’ve got that done, you’ll need to make certain that you have the right libraries available for the miner. Open a terminal and run the following:
sudo port selfupdate
sudo port clean wget
sudo port install wgetsudo port clean openssl
sudo port install openssl
Otherwise you may end up with errors about missing libraries: libidn.11.dylib and libssl.1.0.0.dylib.
You’re then ready for the miner:
Download the Mac OS X binary, unzip it, then follow the directions in the readme file, and you should be up and running real quick.
Hope that helps someone get started with the silver of digital crypto-currencies, LITECOIN!
my brother pointed me to your post and it worked! Thank you. I’ve been reading a lot and noticed that GPU mining is the way to go. What do you think? I have a Radeon
Radeon HD 5770.
I’m looking at this guys notes:
I’m only mining litecoins on my Mac and in a Windows VM. Both are doing CPU mining. I still need to check into GPU mining for litecoins though. So, I’m not really sure. I think the litecoin or bitcoin talk forums would be better to figure it out.
What I have noticed is that everyone I know that has tried mining on a Mac gets horrible GPU rates. Mine has a 9400 card, and another friend has a 9400M – neither are worth crap to mine bitcoins. So, we’re mining litecoins on our macs. Another friend won’t even try as his Mac can’t mine BTC either. He did get up and running with mining BTC his Windows machine though.
Good link there though! That would have helped me figure out some things a bit quicker.
Do you what you are? Do you really know what you just did?
You are a God send and you just performed a miracle!!
After hours and hours trying to figure this out you come out of nowhere with the most clear instructions and guide me to the lite…coins! haha
Thank you so much for your help! You really did a great job with this post!
Hahaha! Thanks! 🙂
It took me a while to get that up and running as I had to install so much and the downloads were close to 10 GB or so.
I get about 21Kh/s on my iMac mining LTC. Any advise on how to tweak that number?
Sorry. No advice there. I get about the same.
You are a godsend. So much fighting and it’s finally working.
thanks for the wonderful explanation.
i ran through it all till i came to the cpuminer itself, i did what it says on the read me and it shows this error –
4 miner threads started, using ‘scrypt’ algorithm.
[2013-05-02 15:08:00] HTTP request failed: Could not resolve host: ltc.kattare.comport; nodename nor servname provided, or not known
[2013-05-02 15:08:00] json_rpc_call failed, retry after 30 seconds
pls advice
I’ve been getting almost the same error for a few days myself, but I’ve been too busy to look into it.
I didn’t get any error about not being able to resolve a host though… Only the json_rpc_call error.
I hope to look into it if I have time this weekend.
this is the error msg – HTTP request failed: The requested URL returned error: 403
[2013-05-02 15:14:25] json_rpc_call failed, retry after 30 seconds
A 403 error is a permissions error. Check to see that you are connecting to the proper URL on the proper port. That could be the problem… But, I’ve not seen that error with this before.
Help Please! cant find any folders or where to put this?
This is step 4 and I cant find usr/bin/:
4. Copy the cpuminer executable (minerd) into your /usr/bin/:
sudo cp minerd /usr/bin/minerd
so close i can taste it…
Do this:
cd /usr/bin
It’s off the root directory.
Hi Ryan,
I’ve tried following your instructions on my iMac and just can’t seem to get it. First I tried installing the Xcode, and got the message that my OSX was out of date, however, when I go to “software update” under the little apple icon, it tells me that my software is up to date at OS X 10.6.8.
My iMac is about 3 years old though. I’ve got an ATI Radeon 4670 graphics card. I’m willing to pay you if you can help me.
Hi Mitch,
You need to update your Mac to 10.8.x, then go back and install all the other software – Xcode, openssl, etc. There’s just a huge list of prerequisites, and they all start with coughing up for an OS X upgrade.
You can update to OS X 10.8.x through the Mac app store. It took me several days to get it done after downloads broke several times, but eventually it worked. So, plan ahead. The app store can be frustrating to deal with. (I can’t believe that I managed to say that without a massive string of profanity! 🙂
It worked a treat. Brilliant. Followed instructions to the letter.
You are a ROCKSTAR for this article! Thank you!!
Having similar misadventures in getting all this to work on a Mac. I thought I was in the home stretch when… I hit the same problem snag that someone else above said they hit. Getting the following message:
[2013-05-25 19:04:44] HTTP request failed: couldn’t connect to host
[2013-05-25 19:04:44] json_rpc_call failed, retry after 30 seconds
This is regardless of server, pools, ports, usernames, or passwords I try.
Any ideas?
Thanks again so much for this article. You got me FAR FAR FAR closer to getting all this to work than any other forum or site.
can any one help me minning the litecoin
on my mac quard core i7
i will pay for your total support.
libidn stops at building any idea?
Try just downloading & installing it rather than trying to build it.