Crypto Wallet Backup Console Version with ZIP and Password Protection

Crypto Wallet BackupI’ve added in a couple new features. Instead of the backup simply being a folder with all the files, it’s now a ZIP file. Also, there’s an option to password protect the ZIP file.


To use it, simply download it, unzip it into the same folder as the GUI version of Crypto Wallet Backup.

The console application takes 2 arguments (parameters) in order:

  1. Backup file list (“backup-file-list.txt” by default)
  2. Password

Those are optional. If you don’t supply any arguments, then the program simply creates the backup as a ZIP file.

If you do use the arguments, you must supply a backup file list file even if you want to only use the password. However, you can supply a non-existent file (garbage input) like “asdf” and the program will use the default listed above (backup-file-list.txt).

The second argument is a password. You can’t use quotes in it because command line arguments use quote for delimiting arguments. Also, if you use spaces, you must quote the entire password. For example, if your password is:

this is my password

Then your command line should look like this:

CryptoWalletBackupConsole.exe asdf “this is my password”

You can schedule that with the Windows Task Manager to create backups on a predetermined schedule.

The source code is included in the download.

The code is well commented, and the “hacky” areas where I’ve taken shortcuts are explained if anyone feels like “doing it right”. e.g. Some verifications could be done in a more robust way and the file copying could be done directly to a stream to zip up.

The program uses the DotZip library (Ionic.Zip.dll), so that must be present.




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