Jesus Is an Anarchist (Mirrored essay)

There is an excellent essay called “Jesus Is an Anarchist” at But it seems like is no longer maintained, and the essay may disappear at some point. I’m mirroring it here to ensure that it is available in at least 1 other place. When the “” graphic logo is gone, then you’ll know… Continue reading Jesus Is an Anarchist (Mirrored essay)

AllCrypt T-shirts Came

I was thrilled to win the AllCrypt t-shirt slogan contest, and now I’m even happier that my AllCrypt t-shirts have arrived! I can’t wait to wear one to the next Bitcoin Meetup. Now, if they’d just add Huntercoin… 😉 (I think I look a bit goofy looking into the camera there… oh well…)

Why Rich People Should Do Less Time in Prison Than Poor People

Rich people should do less prison time for the same crimes compared to poor people. Here’s why. In the modern world, you must pay taxes or you go to prison. If tax is not theft, then the government owns a percentage of the results/rewards/consequences of your labour/time. In other words, you are not solely responsible… Continue reading Why Rich People Should Do Less Time in Prison Than Poor People

CommunityCoin (COMM) – Should be interesting…

CommunityCoin is a new coin with a very different distribution. It will be interesting to see how this pans out. Here’s a decent article on it: The web site for the coin is pretty spartan, but it gets the point across. Besides, most coin activity takes place in forums, exchanges, troll boxes, IRC, etc.… Continue reading CommunityCoin (COMM) – Should be interesting…

The Pledge of Resistance – Saul Williams – Anarchast Intro

I remember walking down the street in downtown Gangnam many years ago and someone trying to give me a pamphelt with “The Pledge of Resistance” and “Not in Our Names” on it. I took the pamphlet, glanced at it, and figured it was some nonsense socialist garbage. I wasn’t interested in yet another “save the… Continue reading The Pledge of Resistance – Saul Williams – Anarchast Intro

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