TrialPay Integration with IPN.NET

I’m slowly closing in on being able to release the new Photo Resizer Social Edition. It will feature 1-click photo uploading to Facebook, Flickr, and TwitPic/Twitter, but all that has been the easy stuff so far. The licensing and marketing side of it is where the real work is. Building on how I integrated ILS… Continue reading TrialPay Integration with IPN.NET

Creating Urgency for Sales with Infralution Licensing System

I need to create a large number of “products” for Photo Resizer, but they’re really all just the same product with different prices. And not 2 or 3 prices, but more like 20 or 30 prices. Actually, I’ll likely end up creating more than 30, but that’s a detail. It may seem strange to some… Continue reading Creating Urgency for Sales with Infralution Licensing System

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