Logging Out of Facebook with C# SDK

Logging out of Facebook programmatically turns out to be much more problematic that you would think. I posted the question at StackOverflow asking if anyone knew of a way to get it done. The only answer, other than mine, turned up the same results I’d been having, i.e. You just can’t logout easily. So, I… Continue reading Logging Out of Facebook with C# SDK

Getting the Album ID with the Facebook C# SDK

I really shouldn’t drink & post like last night… Anyways, cynicism and rantiness wane as sobriety returns, and here’s some code that illustrates uploading a photo to a specific album: It’s not hard at all. But the lack of decent documentation makes it painful at best. I’ve been harping on this for a long time:… Continue reading Getting the Album ID with the Facebook C# SDK

WTF is an ID for?

I’m a complete and total bigot. Unmitigated, complete, total bigot. The web sucks. And web APIs suck too. Especially when the documentation is non-existant or confusing or wrong. That sets me off. You see, I hate shit. It smells. I don’t smear shit all over the walls in my house, and it kind of pisses… Continue reading WTF is an ID for?

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