The Memory Hole is Very Real

If you’re not familiar with the memory hole, it’s when information starts disappearing. It’s happening again (it actually happens pretty often). See this post. If you follow up and check, you will see that the video is starting to disappear. This is in part why my original post here (now password protected) was verbose and complete… Continue reading The Memory Hole is Very Real

Silk Road Judge Doxxed and MSM Lies About it (REDACTED)

REDACTED: My hosting provider has stated that they do not want to host the kind of content to which the US Marshals Service has objected (dox). There is nothing illegal about the content, and they recognise that. However, they are a private company, and they do get to run their business how they wish to.… Continue reading Silk Road Judge Doxxed and MSM Lies About it (REDACTED)

US Marshal Shuts Down for Security Theatre

So Deputy United States Marshal Criminal Investigator Maxime Vales (or one of his criminal cohorts) violated the TERM & CONDITIONS for the use of this site to view this (now password protected) page: He then contacted my Canadian hosting provider about it and had them take my site down today. (I’ve since gotten it… Continue reading US Marshal Shuts Down for Security Theatre

Getting Around Internet Censorship: Internet Freedom

There is no better way to set me off into a mindless fury of profanity and obscenity than to censor me. I loathe censorship. It sets me off. So, here’s how to get around censorship in repressive police states like Belgium… The Belgian Anti-Piracy Federation (BAF) has urged all Belgian ISPs to block Swedish freetard… Continue reading Getting Around Internet Censorship: Internet Freedom

How to Get Around ISP Filtering/Censorship

Well, it’s finally here. Australia is forcing censorship down people’s throats. They’re doing it by getting some Australian ISPs to voluntarily filter some web sites. You can read more about it at the EFF article here. I’m not going to comment on the idiocy of Internet censorship, but instead I’ll tell you how to get… Continue reading How to Get Around ISP Filtering/Censorship

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