Getting the Album ID with the Facebook C# SDK

I really shouldn’t drink & post like last night… Anyways, cynicism and rantiness wane as sobriety returns, and here’s some code that illustrates uploading a photo to a specific album: It’s not hard at all. But the lack of decent documentation makes it painful at best. I’ve been harping on this for a long time:… Continue reading Getting the Album ID with the Facebook C# SDK

WTF is an ID for?

I’m a complete and total bigot. Unmitigated, complete, total bigot. The web sucks. And web APIs suck too. Especially when the documentation is non-existant or confusing or wrong. That sets me off. You see, I hate shit. It smells. I don’t smear shit all over the walls in my house, and it kind of pisses… Continue reading WTF is an ID for?

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