I’ve seen a few people having problems using PowerShell to log into their Raspberry Pi 2 that’s running Windows IoT. If you’re here, you’re already frustrated, so here’s what worked for me… Restart WinRM using these 2 commands: net stop winrm net start winrm Next, instead of using the device name for your Raspberry Pi… Continue reading Can’t login using PowerShell to Raspberry Pi running Windows IoT [SOLVED]
Category: Windows
Code Completion Quirk with Stetic and GTK# in MonoDevelop
I just noticed in MonoDevelop an odd quirk with code completion and Stetic. If you add a widget then go and try to refer to it in code, it doesn’t show up in code completion until you build the project. So, simply add the widget, build the project, then go into the code and you’ll… Continue reading Code Completion Quirk with Stetic and GTK# in MonoDevelop
Spanning Columns in a GTK# Table
Coming from working on WinForms, GTK# is a very, very different paradigm for layout. I struggled to figure out just how to span columns in a table as searching for information didn’t really work out very well. Instead of setting properties on the table, you set the properties on the widget as it inherits a… Continue reading Spanning Columns in a GTK# Table
OpenTK, GTK#, GLControl, and GLWidget
Sigh… So I’m banging my head against the wall trying to get a GLControl working in a GTK# project in MonoDevelop… Not gonna work. The GLControl inherits from System.Windows.Forms.UserControl, so you basically end up resorting to exactly what you wanted to avoid in the first place by using GTK#, i.e. Windows Forms. Here’s an image… Continue reading OpenTK, GTK#, GLControl, and GLWidget
Infinite Disappointment in Bill Gates
I used to think that Bill Gates was a philanthropist and humanitarian. He’s anything but that. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation just bought 500,000 shares in Monsanto. Here’s a mainstream media link: http://www.guardian.co.uk/global-development/poverty-matters/2010/sep/29/gates-foundation-gm-monsanto And something probably a bit more reliable and honest: http://www.truthistreason.net/bill-gates-foundation-buys-500000-shares-of-biotech-terrorist-monsanto Monsanto is an utterly evil corporation that creates bio-weapons, patents them,… Continue reading Infinite Disappointment in Bill Gates
MIME Type vs. Actual Type
A while back I posted Internet Explorer Download Problem: “Unable to open this Internet Site” about how Internet Explorer doesn’t behave properly if the MIME type is set properly. Shortly after I upgraded Firefox and discovered that they had changed the behaviour for Firefox and things broke. I was serving up an EXE with a… Continue reading MIME Type vs. Actual Type
.NET Controls Constructed Off-Screen Display Black
While working on Duplicate Photo Finder, I discovered a very odd thing: the ToolStripStatusLabel displays solid black if it is constructed off-screen, and it cannot be recovered. You can see in the upper-right screenshot how the labels are solid black. I suppose that it would be possible to entirely construct a new control then replace… Continue reading .NET Controls Constructed Off-Screen Display Black
Save As Dialog Disappears on Multiple Monitors
Occasionally when you add a new monitor, or shift them around, the Save As dialog (or other modal dialogs like Find & Replace) gets lost outside of the viewing port. It’s usually sitting just above your smallest monitor or something similar. To fix the situation in Windows, you can open up the Screen Resolution applet… Continue reading Save As Dialog Disappears on Multiple Monitors
Disable Windows 2008 R2 Password Expiry
Well, god knows changing passwords can be a PITA, and I got messages that my password would expire. A search for it only turned up information on Active Directory, which is not really useful for me. Anyways, you can do it here: Start > Administrative Tasks > Local Users and Groups > Users > <user>… Continue reading Disable Windows 2008 R2 Password Expiry