Software Marketing with Robosoft For years RoboSoft has been the single most effective 1-stop way to promote software. If it isn’t already a part of your software marketing, it should be. If it is a part of your software marketing, there are most likely areas where you can squeeze quite a bit more juice out… Continue reading Robosoft for Beginners
Category: Super Simple
The Licensing Experience with Infralution and DotNetNuke
I don’t think that I’ve ever done a licensing or purchasing flow exactly the same way twice. Well, a couple times, but mostly I experiment with both major changes and minor tweaks. This time around for the Super Simple Photo Resizer Social Edition, I’m doing things more or less right. There are a few things… Continue reading The Licensing Experience with Infralution and DotNetNuke
Creating Urgency for Sales with Infralution Licensing System
I need to create a large number of “products” for Photo Resizer, but they’re really all just the same product with different prices. And not 2 or 3 prices, but more like 20 or 30 prices. Actually, I’ll likely end up creating more than 30, but that’s a detail. It may seem strange to some… Continue reading Creating Urgency for Sales with Infralution Licensing System
Dynamic Help Topics in C#
I’ve got a situation where I want to use a keyboard shortcut for a specific help topic: Keyboard Shortcuts. Oh, the irony… So I fart around trying to bang things into shape, but it’s really just not taking very well as help is really setup to use with controls, and not really setup to use… Continue reading Dynamic Help Topics in C#
Photo Resizer Hits #12 in Google
Well, I’ve not done anything since last posting about this (or before), but the Super Simple Photo Resizer has edged up a bit from #15 to #12 in Google. Just a little bit more and it will be in the top 10! That’s a bit more vindication for my assertions that Robosoft really and truly… Continue reading Photo Resizer Hits #12 in Google
Logging Out of Facebook with C# SDK
Logging out of Facebook programmatically turns out to be much more problematic that you would think. I posted the question at StackOverflow asking if anyone knew of a way to get it done. The only answer, other than mine, turned up the same results I’d been having, i.e. You just can’t logout easily. So, I… Continue reading Logging Out of Facebook with C# SDK
Getting the Album ID with the Facebook C# SDK
I really shouldn’t drink & post like last night… Anyways, cynicism and rantiness wane as sobriety returns, and here’s some code that illustrates uploading a photo to a specific album: It’s not hard at all. But the lack of decent documentation makes it painful at best. I’ve been harping on this for a long time:… Continue reading Getting the Album ID with the Facebook C# SDK
Where People Use Photo Resizer – Korea #1
It looks like I have quite a few users in South Korea for Super Simple Photo Resizer. Super Simple Photo Resizer, Apr 1st 2011 – May 17th 2011 1. Korea, Republic of 2. United States 3. India 4. Germany 5. Taiwan, Province of China 6. Indonesia 7. United Kingdom 8. Australia 9. Canada 10. Mexico… Continue reading Where People Use Photo Resizer – Korea #1
A Kick-Ass Article on Asynchronous Operations
As I am virtually incapable of doing anything the same way twice, I had to go out and find another way to deal with blocking operations (blocking as in network blocking), and came across Asynchronous Method Invocation at the Code Project. Perfect. The author, Mike Peretz, does an excellent job of explaining Begin/EndInvoke, delegates, catching… Continue reading A Kick-Ass Article on Asynchronous Operations
Passing Information Between Winforms the Sneaky Way
There are many ways to pass data between form in .NET. This article, Passing Data Between Forms, at the Code Project is an excellent one that shows 4 ways to do it. My favorite way to do it is with delegates and events. However, very often you simply need a quick and dirty solution where… Continue reading Passing Information Between Winforms the Sneaky Way