Little Old Lady Church Jokes

Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! This is funny! I got this from my mother. Be careful as you may just pee your pants laughing! Church Ladies With typewriters . . . They’re Back! Those wonderful Church Bulletins! Thank God for church ladies with typewriters. These sentences (with all the BLOOPERS) actually appeared in church… Continue reading Little Old Lady Church Jokes

Some Praise for Internet Explorer

No. Really. I’ve found something very good in IE. Well, I didn’t find it, but while reading on computed CSS values, I came across this thread. One of the participants recommended Internet Explorer and its built-in development tools for tracing computed CSS values. I’d been trying to find out just WTF was going on with… Continue reading Some Praise for Internet Explorer

America’s Homeland Paranoia Committee

I fail to understand American paranoia. While reading yet another news story about “security”, it occurred to me just how deeply rooted fear is in American culture and how completely moronic their reactionary paranoia is. The Ottawa Citizen reported this story: Canada rejects U.S. senator’s visa idea: Lieberman calls report on border security ‘alarming’. In… Continue reading America’s Homeland Paranoia Committee

New Google Button

There’s a new Google button that I want really badly. I know that it would be super useful for billions of people, and that everyone would finally breath a sigh of relief to see it. Here’s my $0.02 quick, sloppy mockup of what it could look like with a real search. It’s a bit sloppy,… Continue reading New Google Button

Bizarre Law Enforcement in Victoria

Australian law enforcement continues to baffle me. Harsh penalties for nothing, and slaps on the wrist for violent offenders. I don’t get it. Victorian law enforcement seems to be particularly nutty sometimes. While reading some news at The Age I came across an article: Experts pan public mobile speed camera plan The last paragraph struck… Continue reading Bizarre Law Enforcement in Victoria

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