Are You Ready to Switch to Linux?

I’m so tired of moronic reasons to “switch to <insert OS>”. And bored tech writers never seem to stop coming up with them. For once I’d like to hear something intelligent written on the topic. Here’s yet another “switch to Linux” article: And the “top 10 reasons” for it: 1. You’re Tired of Paying… Continue reading Are You Ready to Switch to Linux?

On Sovereignty and States (Wikileaks and Child Sex Tourism)

The idea of jurisdiction is central to most states in the world. If you commit an offense in Texas, in addition to being hosed, you’re also unlikely to be tried in California. Similarly, if you sell medical marijuana in California, you’re unlikely to be executed in Malaysia. There’s a basic concept there. You need to… Continue reading On Sovereignty and States (Wikileaks and Child Sex Tourism)

What I Really Think

I’ve finally got a place now where I can post what I really think on any topic. No more pulling punches. No more limiting topics. It’s all game now. What will I be ranting about? Politics. Religion. Technology. News. Whatever I bloody well feel like!

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